I am firmly convinced that in nature we can find many benefits for our health, especially if we learn how to use correctly what it offers us.
Every time I find out about something new or less known, I really want to share it with you. In this way, I do my best to be useful to people and help them see the mysterious, but at the same time, wonderful part of nature.
This time I would like to introduce you to another miraculous plant. It’s okra.
Do you know it? Or maybe it is already part of your diet? As for me, I’ve known it for a short time and now I’m tempted to get to know each other better. Join us and you will definitely be as excited as I am!
Okra is an inflorescence of a plant of the mallow family. This plant, also called gumbo or ladies fingers, represents some green pods, which are incredibly healthy. If we put aside all the botanical details, then we can say that okra is a vegetable that has very useful properties and contains a wide variety of vitamins and trace elements.
What are the health benefits of okra?
- When okra is boiled, sticky mucus is released. Yes, it does not look very appetizing, but do not rush to conclusions! This mucus has a very beneficial effect on digestion. It helps with gastritis, stomach ulcers, bloating, restores intestinal microflora.
- This plant helps prevent bowel disease. Due to the fact that the vegetable is perfectly absorbed by the body, toxins and harmful deposits in the small intestine are eliminated. Research results on okra are encouraging: it regular consumption reduces the risk of rectal cancer.
- At the same time, okra has been found to have beneficial properties in treating asthma attacks, preventing atherosclerosis and strengthening capillary walls. The plant effectively removes harmful substances from the body, such as: cholesterol, toxins, and other negative elements.
- The pulp of okra fruit not only regulates cholesterol levels, but also lowers blood sugar levels. It is often recommended as a preventive measure for diabetic patients.
- Okra in large quantities contains special substances that reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
I could continue this list of benefits, but I would also like to tell you about the beauty properties of okra.
Okra has remarkable accomplishments in this regard as well, as it is known as a low-calorie dietary product. Due to its low calorie content, okra can be successfully used in various diets. And we are not talking about 20-30 kcal per 100 g of a plant, but about the substances that make up its composition, which contributes to the synthesis of vitamins A and B, which helps to reduce depression and fatigue. This proves once again that it is no coincidence that people who are trying to keep fit regularly use okra.
Also, possessing amazing antiseptic properties, it helps with inflammation and uneven skin. You can also make a nourishing hair conditioner from the sticky substance of okra by adding lemon juice.

Having learned more about this plant, I, of course, immediately decided to give it a try. The okra turned out to be nutritious and extremely tasty. You can cook this product in different ways, including steaming, boiling or baking. If you want it to be simple yet tasty, you can simply boil it in a pot of water.
I’ve tried boiling, frying, and baking it in the oven. I liked the taste, something in between zucchini and grain legumes. Okra cooked with pesto sauce is especially good! To maintain elasticity and not release a sticky substance, it is better to fry it.
I am sure that many of you will be interested in this vegetable. But before using this product for cooking, you should know that it may be contraindicated for people who show intolerance or allergic reactions to the product.
Be beautiful and healthy!