The key to quick healing is what you do in the first few minutes after being burned. It makes a big difference in how well your skin heals. 

burned hand image
  • Place the affected area under running mild cold tap water for at least 10 minutes. 
  • Apply wet compresses, preferably sterile dressings impregnated with plain water. Just apply them, without making dressings raise the affected area.

Efficient Remedies for Minor Burns

After 24 hours, wash the burned area gently with soap and water. You should continue to do so daily. Keep the wound dry, clean and covered with bandage between washings.

Aloe Vera shortens the healing process. 

  • Two or three days after the injury, only open a leaf and smear its liquid directly on the burn. The coolness of its “juice” brings relief from the pain. 
  • Reapply two to four times daily, with or without a bandage covering.

Calendula is antiseptic & anti-inflammatory.

  • Apply topically to speed healing and prevent infection.

The starch in the potato neutralizes the burn, pain and prevents scarring. 

  • Cut two potato slices and put it on the burns.

Egg white helps keep the wound from drying out

  • Coat the burned skin with egg white.

Mustard stings, but it take the pain away and reduce blisters and scarring.

  • Rub some mustard on the burned area. 

Lavender oil takes the sting out of the pain, speeds up the healing process and prevents scarring. 

  • Clean the wound with mild soap and water.
  • Combine lavender oil with almond or olive oil in the ratio of 1/3.
  • Apply this mixture liberally over the burn at least two times a day leaving the wound uncovered.

Honey cools, removes pain and aids fast healing. 

  • Apply the honey over burns. 
  • Cover the area with some gauze. 

White toothpaste eases the pain or burning sensation over the wound. 

  • Keep it overnight and the next morning, there will be signs of healing.

Vitamin E helps with healing and prevents scarring.

  • Apply a capsule of vitamin E directly to the burn.

I don’t recommend you to:

  • Apply creams or fat ointments because they clog the pores and aggravate the injury.
  • Break the blisters. They will detach naturally in a few days.
  • Use sunflower or olive oil as a treatment because they can worsen the wound.
  • Apply too much of ice or icy water can make the burn worse.

What to Eat For Fast Healing?

Eat plenty of food that is rich in vitamin C as it helps in the healing process for burns and other wounds:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Potatoes 
  • Broccoli

Vitamins A & E

  • Green Fruits 
  • Veggies
  • Cereals 
  • Nuts 

Consume foods rich in zinc for quick recovery time and healthier skin after burns.

  • Seafood
  • Beef, lamb, pork and chicken
  • Wheat 
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin and Squash Seeds
  • Nuts and Beans
  • Cocoa and Chocolate
  • Mushrooms

The above natural remedies will act as a temporary painkiller. Third-degree burns require immediate medical attention. 

Avoid eating the above recommendations if you are allergic to something.

Have you ever tried natural remedies to heal burns?  What other herbs and natural home remedies did you try and had an effect?